September 25 & 26, 2021

10am - 4pm each day





Free Spirit Creations

I am a self taught Jeweller and Stone Cutter who has been doing one or the other for over forty years. My medium is both gold and silver creating and or repairing. Please take time to come and see my work.         

7325 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario

Original Photography by Michelle Ross

Visiting at : 7325 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario


Nature photography has been a passion of mine since the first day I photographed a beautiful sunflower with my first point and shoot digital camera.

The sunflower is still a favorite of mine, but as my passion has grown from flowers to sunsets, it continues to mature to include everything nature has to offer.

I love to capture the beauty of nature with my camera and the picturesque scenic countryside of North Frontenac provides me with plenty of subjects for my photography.

My photographs are available as unique handmade greeting cards and also in various sizes of prints and collage posters.

I hope to see you all in September,


Michelle Ross

Marlene Leeson

My name is Marlene Leeson. I am originally from Toronto, but have recently moved to a quiet setting in a small village in the Land O’ Lakes Region.

Life brings special gifts to each of us. With nature, I see and appreciate what is there in front of me. With my art, I am constantly evolving and expanding my boundaries all the time.

Visiting at : 7325 Road 506,

Plevna, Ontario


Marlene Leeson Collage

I am primarily a mixed media artist, creating primarily in acrylics, clay and fiber, to name a few. Recently gourds have become my passion – they are one of nature’s first storage vessels for food and water, and are a sturdy medium to work on. Grown around the world, including right here in Ontario, they mature into unique fascinating shapes of various sizes, textures and colors. I create what I want to see by studying the blank canvas of each gourd through birth, growth and harvest, and allow it to tell the story of what it should become.

I hope that I can share my creations with everyone, if only for a moment.

– Marlene

Bobby Morrison

From Kitchener Ont. retired and moved to Ardoch 2 years ago. I have been Woodburning and carving for about 25 years mainly caving driftwood when its available.  

Visiting at : 7325 Road 506,

Plevna, Ontario